Friday, February 5, 2010

My First "Blogging" Experience

Well I just finished watching "Julie and Julia" (loved it by the way), and as I am sitting here typing I am wondering how many others started blogging after watching that movie? How many decided to take on a challenge and blog about it? I must admit, it did get me interested in the whole blogging thing, but not to take on a challenge. I do love to cook and try new recipes, but I have had so many friends and relatives ask me for recipes for things I have made, or maybe they have a function coming up and they ask if I have a recipe for something they might be able to take along, that I figured if I could just put some recipes into one spot online, then they can go get them themselves! It would be much easier for all of us!!

I do want to let everyone know, that the recipes are not recipes I necessarily made up myself. A few I have! But for the most part they are recipes I have tried and enjoyed. Some I have found in cookbooks, some online, some I got through friends, family, and co-workers. Where possible, I will include where I got the recipe from.

Please keep in mind I am new to "blogging" and it may take me some time to get used to actually posting recipes, and setting up the page. Please be patient, and I hope to have some of my favourite recipes posted, that I hope you will enjoy as much as I do! This is just something fun for me to do when I am bored, and I thought I would share it with my friends. Thanks! :o)


  1. Congrats on your new blog, I know it will be a success and I will be a regular follower and I'll add some recipes shortly.

  2. Great Idea Tanya, I could add some also, I will send them to you first, and then you can pick whatever you want to put on....


  3. way to go tanya,will be watching!!!!
